GFNY Uruguay - Colonia presents two distance options: a long route of 148.2 km and 1122 m elevation and a non-competitive medium route of 87.2 km with 676m elevation. The topography does not impose decisive climbs, forecasting a compact peloton through a good part of the race, and a fast race. The usual winds of the Uruguayan coastline may be of key importance on the outcome.
Both courses share the first 45 Km through olive groves, vineyards and cattle country. It's the generous, natural environment of the Uruguay River's East bank, home of several iconic landmarks of the historic heritage of European settlers that set forth the very best dairy production of the region.
LONG COURSE IS A COMPETITION: The finishers of the 100-mile long course are eligible for category rankings and Overall and Podium awards. If you want to race and be ranked in your category, you must complete the long course.